When your horse is injured, it is often a huge setback. When Saratoga Horseworks President, Michael Libertucci learned that his horse, A Story Is Born, injured a hind suspensory ligament, he turned that setback into a million dollar idea.

It all started during Story’s long recovery process. Michael tried several different products to help support the injured limb, but was dissatisfied with their performance. This prompted the horse savvy engineer to brainstorm ideas for a new product that would give horses the support and protection needed. The result was the Saratoga Bandage.
The key to the Saratoga Bandage’s success was the combination of the unique lightweight, breathable material and patented silicon application. The firm controlled stretch of the bandage offered more support than any other product of its type. The silicon application on the inside of the bandage prevented the wraps from slipping and created even pressure distribution on the leg. The fabric used was designed to be highly breathable to keep legs cooler than other products on the market.
The bandage was an instant success in the racing industry, garnering the support of Hall of Fame jockey Angel Cordero Jr. Carrying only 3oz of water when soaking wet, the Saratoga Bandage became popular among eventers and other riders who frequently compete in wet or muddy conditions
When Michael first set out to create the Saratoga Bandage, he had hopes of helping his horse recover from a torn suspensory. Today, the versatile bandages are used in numerous disciplines and for convalescing, shipping, and training horses around the world. Over the years, many have tried to duplicate The Saratoga Bandage but they've not been able to truly match the quality and function of the original.
Use coupon code BLOG for 10% off your Saratoga Bandages!