Equestrians @ Large Sponsorship Program
Saratoga Horseworks, Ltd. is a leader in American Made horse clothing and accessories. Since 1988, Saratoga Horseworks has created top quality products for equestrians all over the world. To help spread the word, we have selected a handful of talented riders called Equestrian at Large members. These sponsored riders receive several of our custom made garments as well as a commission towards show expenses in exchange for their endorsement of our products. The ideal candidate must be an excellent role model who has a positive influence on fellow equestrians. They must promote the Saratoga Horseworks brand and gain exposure wherever possible. With the help of our Equestrian at Large members, we look forward to many more years of making our customer’s horse clothing dreams a reality.
What's Required?
- SHW is looking for a member that is actively competing and has a good standing in the Equestrian community.
- A positive role model to others is a must.
- Applicant can NOT have another horse clothing sponsor. While we know that there are other manufacturers out there, and you may own other clothing, we want you to be showing off your SHW garments.
- This sponsorship is open to anyone 18 years or older, competing professionally in any discipline.
- Applicants have to be active in social media via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Etc.
- Applicant must be willing to pass out coupons and promote the Saratoga Horseworks brand.
- Member must be willing to be in the public eye via SHW’s Social media, website, press releases, etc.
- It is strongly preferred that applicant be familiar with our company/ line of products.
How Do I Apply?
If you are interested in applying, check that you meet all our requirements before filling out our Equestrian at Large Application.
Please send all completed applications to Taylor@horseworks.com